Business Case

Eye Care Benefits Toolkit

Building the Business Case

93 million

adults in the U.S. are at high risk for serious vision loss1

>$145 billion

annual economic impact of major vision problems among Americans older than 402

>$411 billion

in lost productivity due to loss of vision and vision impairment among workers3

Everyone understands the importance of sound medical plans. But what about eye health and vision care, often viewed (and misunderstood) as a separate benefit from health care? Vision benefit plans typically focus more on vision correction than ongoing eye health. Thinking about eye health and vision only through a vision benefits plan misses an opportunity to impact the overall health of employees through prevention and early detection of vision issues, and the early detection and/or better management of chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, which can impact absenteeism and productivity.


Economic Impact

Importance of Data


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