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The Problem We Address

When it comes to evidence-based pharmacy risk management, RxResults does all the heavy lifting. Through our proven Take AIM model, we make it possible for you to significantly and immediately reduce specialty & non-specialty pharmacy spend.

Description Of Service

RxResults provides evidence-based pharmacy risk management through their proven model of analysis, implementation, and measuring results.




Reduction in plan spend

Specialty RxGuidance


Reduction in specialty drug spend

Video Testimonial

Hear how Fortune Brands Innovations addressed pharmacy spend by carving out the PBM and using a referenced based pricing program through MHPC and RxResults. Saving over $5 million total.

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Take AIM and Take Control to Reduce Pharmacy Spend

Case Study

RxResults, the proven industry leader for Evidence-Based Pharmacy Risk Management, is uniquely positioned to help you identify health plan savings and mitigate risk. Evidence-based pharmacy risk management directly meets the challenge of ensuring access to medications proven safe and effective while providing cost control.

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