May 8, 2014

39 Weeks is the Magic Number for Healthy Pregnancies

Community organizations work to reduce the number of medically unnecessary deliveries

CHICAGO – As we celebrate mothers this weekend, local organizations, led by the non-profit Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH) are working to raise awareness that it’s best to avoid an early elective delivery unless medically necessary. When deliveries are induced or via cesarean section after 36 weeks and before 39 weeks – often for the convenience of the mother or doctor – studies show that the infant mortality rate is higher and serious complications can arise. The importance of waiting is recognized and promoted by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who recently redefined a “term pregnancy” as 39 weeks.

“Each year a significant number of caesarean sections and inductions in Illinois are performed for non-medical reasons,” said Larry Boress, MBGH president and CEO. “While pregnancy is usually thought of as 9 months, the baby actually needs at least 39 weeks, or closer to 10 months. The most important things a mother can do are to allow labor to begin on its own, and to partner with her doctor or caregiver to create a birth plan.”

39 Weeks

To bring attention to this pressing issue, MBGH is partnering with CBS2, NBC5, March of Dimes, Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative, Illinois Hospital Association, the Illinois and Chicago health departments, and other organizations representing hospitals, physicians, health plans and consumer advocacy groups. The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Tower will light up “39 Weeks” this Mother’s Day weekend and public service announcements are airing on CBS2 and NBC5. Additional consumer resources include the Take Control of Your Health website and Healthy Babies, Healthy Pregnancies Facebook page.

Funding for this work comes from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the United Health Foundation, with support from the National Business Coalition on Health.

About the Midwest Business Group on Health

With more than 120 member organizations, the Midwest Business Group on Health is one of the nation’s leading non-profit business groups of large, self-insured public and private employers serving as a catalyst for community initiatives to improve the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of the health care delivery system. MBGH is an essential resource to support employers in effectively managing their health benefits through high-quality education, research, networking and benchmarking. MBGH is a founding member of the National Business Coalition on Health.

For further information about this release and MBGH, contact: Cary Conway, MBGH Media Consultant