MBGH survey results

Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease Toolkit

How Are We Doing?: MBGH Survey Results

In 2022, MBGH conducted a Diabetes Initiatives survey and found that a majority of employers have about 5-10% of their population living with diabetes. A high cost for diabetes is insulin, a medication used by those who have type 1 diabetes and some who have type 2 diabetes.

  • Of the employers surveyed, 15% say more than 20% of their diabetes population use insulin. An alarming 64% did not know how many use insulin, which results in not knowing where they can lower their spend and where in the system they can avoid/lower their type 2 diabetes population's insulin usage.
  • An overwhelming majority,64% of employers, did not know if their diabetes population was also being treated for cardiovascular disease. Twenty one percent have less than 10% of their diabetes population being treated for cardiovascular disease and 9% said greater than 20% of their diabetes population was being treated for cardiovascular disease.

A greater emphasis on prediabetes and wellness can lower the number of those severely impacted by diabetes and cardiovascular disease if employers can engage their populations. This toolkit provides resources for employers to improve communication and hopefully increase engagement. View resources here


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