In a 2022 MBGH Employer Benchmarking Survey on diabetes & prediabetes initiatives, employer’s shared strategies on what is working and what is not working to improve engagement in diabetes prevention and management.
The following plan design strategies were suggested by some respondents to improve engagement in diabetes prevention and management:
- Using internal wellness or onsite clinic staff to increase awareness, screenings and programs
- Partnering with outside diabetes management vendors and requiring they provide supplies at no cost and track engagement and the frequency of testing
- Using a value-based design strategy, including removing cost-sharing for diabetes products, including insulin
- Linking removal of co-pays to requiring that the employee/member participate in a specific number of face-to-face coaching sessions on managing their condition
- Integrating consistent education and communication strategies that promote engagement and outcomes and encourage continuous improvement
Respondents noted that programs work best within a culture that:
- Promotes trust
- Supports the value of individual health
- Engages leadership
Employers reported that their future plans would include:
- Reviewing how they measure success, including evaluating gaps in care and addressing adherence
- Determining incentives that employees value
- Reviewing health plan and vendor offerings
- Looking at how digital technology can support their efforts